Monday 17 September 2012

The simple way to make a lot of money.

Love is in the air, but cash could be in your pocket too! 

Dating sites are a main source of income for many webmasters, why not get in on the act? Dating Sites often offer some of the best payouts and commissions for affiliate programs and associate programs, so you to can soon make some money from your dating or frankly any niched website! Right now I will show you the dating affiliate program and associate program that I have used to get where I am in this sector. 

But I'm only a beginner, how do I do it all? 

Don't worry! It includes the best dating affiliate programs from around the web, allowing you to make money from your dating website or make cash from advertising with the close to no effort.

Click on the image below and sign up, then come back here.

Now you have an account you need to set up a campaign.

I would chose a PPL (pay per lead) if you are a beginner but if you're confident your traffic is willing to spend money then choose a PPS (pay per sale). 

What's the difference?

On PPL you will be payed for every sign up you get whereas on PPS you will only be payed if the user signs up for a payed membership, however this can be more profitable because you are payed more for PPS.

This is an example of what each user that you sign up will see: 
If you sign up you can see the options they will see. I find this useful as then if they report back to your site for advice or queries you know what they're talking about.

You have now signed up as an affiliate marketer and set up a campaign. You're ready to make money! GO!